Ongoing Projects

  • This project delves into the use of specialized iron-chromium alloys for high-performance applications, focusing on their behavior under extreme conditions such as irradiation and high-temperature gradients. By studying alloys with varying compositions, we aim to identify formulations that provide superior structural integrity and minimal susceptibility to radiation damage.

    We are also evaluating alloys designed for next-generation energy systems, such as electric steam cracking, where materials must withstand rapid thermal cycling, creep deformation, and aggressive chemical environments. These studies will help uncover the ideal alloy candidates that can endure the unique mechanical and thermal demands of these cutting-edge technologies.

  • This project leverages advanced crystal plasticity modeling to virtually explore the mechanical behavior of irradiated materials under various conditions. By simulating complex scenarios—such as how crystal orientation and irradiation dose influence deformation—this model acts as a powerful virtual experimental toolbox. Currently, we are extending its capabilities to simulate cyclic loading, a challenging task for micron-scale irradiated samples. The goal is to provide a versatile framework that can replicate experimental scenarios with varying loading regimes, microstructural textures, and irradiation effects, thus unlocking insights beyond traditional experimental limits.

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  • This project focuses on developing a multiscale framework to seamlessly integrate atomic-level insights with microstructural models. By combining results from Molecular Dynamics (MD), Dislocation Dynamics (DD), and Crystal Plasticity Finite Element (CPFE) simulations, we aim to capture the influence of defect structures and their interactions across scales. For instance, we extract key details such as defect energy landscapes and critical stresses from MD simulations, pass them through DD to predict dislocation behavior, and incorporate these findings into CPFE. This approach provides a comprehensive understanding of defect-driven material response under challenging conditions, enabling more predictive and adaptable material models.

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